Indesit RG 1140 UK Instrucciones de uso

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Instructions for
installation and use
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Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - Refrigerator

Instructions forinstallation and useRefrigerator

Pagina 2 - Installation

1GBATTENTIONRead your handbook carefully since it contains instructionswhich will ensure safe installation, use and maintenance ofyour appliance.Your

Pagina 3

2GBElectrical connectionYour appliance is now supplied with a 13 amp fused plugthat can be plugged into a 13 amp socket for immediateuse. Before using

Pagina 4 - A closer look

3GBA closer lookTemperature regulation knobUse this knob to regulate the temperature of the refrig-erator. The following settings are available: refr

Pagina 5 - Setting up Your Appliance

4GBATTENTIONAfter transport stand the appliance upright and waitat least 3 hours before plugging the appliance into themains to ensure proper performa

Pagina 6 - Caring for Your Appliance

5GBEnergy Saving Tips- Install the Appliance CorrectlyThis means that the appliance should be installed away fromheat sources or direct sunlight in a

Pagina 7 - Trouble Shooting

6GBThe Refrigerator does not WorkCheck that:••••• The mains switch in your home is on;••••• The plug is inserted correctly in the socket;••••• The soc

Pagina 8

01/99 - 195022806.00 - Xerox Business Services - DocuTech

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